Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Project #5 Grades

By the end of this project, I hope you were pleased with your individual conceptual/technical development as encouraged over the course.

The grading for this project was out of 20% total, and 5% of that was allotted to your essay.

Final grades will be posted by the University. Good luck with your future studies.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Project #3 Grades

Class, your grades are posted below.

This was a good starting point for where I believe your work is going with Project #4. The key for development in terms of your video projects is to present a simple message that not only has a relationship to your theme, but imparts something more, i.e. you produce a quality that compels the viewer to ask questions and might present them with a new idea or challenges how they think about your subject altogether.

Change To Rm. 328 Lab Hours

No access on Sundays + Note closing times

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Project #3 - A Note About Process

For Project #3, you will need to think about all the pieces of the "puzzle":

1) Use of found footage/filmed footage and sound
2) The editing techniques
3) How to export - As explained in class, 720 x 480 or 640 x 480 size (depending on the aspect ratio of your footage) using the H.264 compression codec (via "Share" > "Quicktime" in iMovie)
4) How to upload - Use YouTube link or the "Add Video" icon in your blog (if it is available, looks like the image below)

Project #2 Grades

Hi Class - Your grades are posted below.

I met with many of you to discuss the direction of your work on Monday towards the end of class. This was a good way to hear what you were thinking, provide direction and help you refine your ideas. For those of you I did not get to give feedback to, the success of this project can be boiled down to a few key things, and will apply to the other projects as well:

1) Most obvious, did you meet all the requirements of the project as outlined in the syllabus?
2) Evidence that you spent time staging/taking/working with/thinking about the images
3) Your images should be stylistically/formally/technically consistent and what the viewer sees should clearly relate back to your overall concept/theme for this course
4) Most importantly, and most difficult, do your images impart to the viewer some sort of emotional or intellectual quality that manages to go beyond the "issue" at hand.

Please keep in mind this last point while executing Projects #3 + #4.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Project #1 Grades

Again, good work everyone on this first project.

A note about the grading - you all did very well with respect to the technical requirements of the project. The difference in grades reflects whether you visually and in written form were careful to communicate your theme in such a way that demonstrated a trajectory for further development. In other words, did you go beyond the issue or topic that itself interests you to suggest there are specific and/or abstract elements you will be drawing on as you create your body of work.

I'm looking forward to see how that comes about further with the projects to follow.